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Searles Vermiculite

Searles Vermiculite

Regular price $10.00
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Searles Vermiculite

Searles Vermiculite is a natural product that is used as an additive in potting mixes and soils to improve moisture retention, drainage, and aeration. It is produced from a clean, naturally occurring mineral that is super-heated to produce a finished lightweight material.

Vermiculite is excellent for increasing water holding capacity and maintaining a lightweight mix. This is useful for seed raising, propagating, and in areas where a light mix is required, such as larger pots or hanging baskets.

Searles Vermiculite can be used in a variety of ways, including:

  • Seed raising: Mix vermiculite with potting mix to create a lightweight, well-draining medium for germinating seeds.
  • Propagation: Use vermiculite to propagate plants from cuttings or division.
  • Potting mix: Add vermiculite to potting mix to improve drainage and aeration.
  • Soil improvement: Add vermiculite to heavy clay soils to improve drainage and aeration.

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