Seasol Plus 5 Litre
Seasol Plus - 5 Litres Seasol with added Seaweed, Fish and Humate Seasol plus is a unique blend of Seasol with added Fish, and Humate. It is a bio-positive material providing a balance of animal and plant derived compounds. This makes it an easy “all in one” product that benefits both the plant and the soil. It is used when plant stimulation, soil conditioning and a little extra nitrogen is required. Seasol plus achieves the best results when used as part of a nutritional program. It works by stimulating soil microbial activity, enhancing plant nutrient uptake and improving soil structure. Features and Benefits: Improves soil structure and soil microbial activity Stimulates root growth and increases flowering Aids plant establishment and reduces transplant shock Provides essential trace elements for plant health The unique blend of kelp, fish and humate in Seasol plus helps improve both the structure and biological activity of the soil. For best results it should be used to complement the benefits of a balanced fertiliser program, by stimulating soil microbial activity, enhancing plant nutrient uptake and improving soil structure. Typical Analysis: W/V: Nitrogen (N) 5.4. Phosphorus (P) 0.1. Potassium (K) 2.6