GROW Liquid Fertilizer 1 Litre
GROW Bio Organic Liquid Fertiliser 1 Litre
A sustainably-produced, organic liquid fertiliser packed with a balanced range of nutrients and microbes to help plants flourish. GROW is developed from specially selected organically composted chicken manure blended to our specific requirements. The composted manure is put through our unique patented process of aerobic fermentation.
Added to that process is a combination of microbial inputs and other ingredients that results in a highly refined, biologically active, high carbon and pH neutral liquid with a complete balance of macro and micro nutrients. 100 certified Organic (Australian Organic Registered Garden Product; Allowed Input 11379AI) Free of chemicals and pathogens. Minimal odour. Easy to use. Environmentally friendly. Suitable for all plant types. Outstanding results on fruit plants, vegetables, lawns, trees, herbs and flowers.
Application: You can use Grow on everything! Trees, lawns, natives, roses, bonsai, orchids, veggies, ferns, indoor plants, preparing your garden beds for planting, seedlings, cuttings, seed propagation, worm farms, compost, and the list goes on. Grow is safe to use on all your edible plants. You can apply in the morning and eat in the afternoon. Just like all fresh fruit and veggies, we do recommend that you wash your edible plants before you eat them. You can use Grow as often as once a week, as much as you like, all year round. The more you use Grow the healthier your plants and soil will become.