Amgrow Multiweed All Purpose Lawn Weeder
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- Multiweed All Purpose Lawn Weeder is used for the control of Mullumbimby couch, Creeping Oxalis, Bindii (dwarf jo-jo), Sowthistle, Dandelion, Flatweeds, Cudweed, Fleabane, Dock, Chickweed, Clover and Lambs Tongue.
- Can be used on most types of lawns including couch, Blue couch, Fescue, Carpet, Centipede, Kentucky Blue and ryegrass.
- NOT suitable for use on Buffalo lawns.
How to use: Multiweed works best if it is applied by sprayer to get good coverage. Spray: 20 mL in 2 L water over 10m2. Watering Can: 20 mL in 6 L water over 10m2. Spot Spray: 6 mL in 1 L water and wet weeds thoroughly. Spray annual weeds when young and vigorous and perennial weeds just prior to flowering.
Ingredients: 192g/L bentazone, 112g/L MCPA, 19g/L Dicamba.